How To Cook Rice Noodles - The Ultimate Guide

We know that cooking rice noodles can be a bit tricky, but fear not – we've got you covered with some simple yet effective tips that will have you mastering rice noodle dishes like a pro. So, let's dive in!


  1. Know Your Noodles:
First things first, the key to a fantastic rice noodle dish lies in choosing the right type of noodle for your recipe. If you're unsure about the different types of rice noodles available, check out our blog post titled "The Different Types of Rice Noodles Explained"

Now, thin rice noodles are ideal for stir-fries and soups, while thicker rice noodles work well in dishes with heavier sauces.

And why is that you ask ? It's because thin noodles blend well with soups as they have smaller surface area, so the soup can seep in its flavour in the noodles easily and you can have a refreshing taste with the noodle texture. On the other hand, Thick noodles in soups will feel more tasteless and will be better for sauces which can stick to their bigger surface area to give them a flavorful taste.


  1. Soaking or Boiling  – What's Your Method?:
Now to the main event! Once you have chosen what dish to make, soaking or boiling will depend on your method of preparation accordingly. 
  • Soaking Method: Bring a generous amount of water to a boil and turn off the flame. Add the noodles so they’re fully submerged. Let them soak for the specified time on the package, typically 1 - 2 minutes for thinner noodles like vermicelli, up to 12 - 15 minutes for rice noodles and around 20 minutes for thicker varieties like Flat Rice Sticks. Stir occasionally to ensure even soaking.
  • Boiling Method: You should definitely avoid boiling rice noodles but if you are in a hurry or forgot to soak beforehand, here’s what you need to do. For thicker noodles like Jvapa Rice Noodles or Flat Rice Sticks that may need a bit more cooking, bring a pot of water to a gentle boil. Add the noodles and cook for 2-4 minutes, testing frequently to avoid overcooking. Drain immediately and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process.

And how do you know when the noodles are ready and completely rehydrated, you can check by picking them up and checking if they have lost their previous shape. If the noodles are loose and soft, know that they are now ready to be used.


  1. Rinse in Cold water:
After soaking/boiling your rice noodles, it's essential to rinse them in cold water to stop the cooking process and prevent them from becoming overcooked.

And No, you don’t need to oil your noodles to prevent them from sticking. Even if you’re not using them right away, just leave them in a bowl. When you're ready to use the noodles, simply rinse them with water again, and they'll separate easily before you toss them into your final dish.


  1. Soup, Stir-fry or may Salads? The Choice is Yours:
To create the perfect noodle dish, you need to adjust your noodle cooking based on the specific recipe. 


For Stir-Fries, Rice noodles are a popular choice for stir-fries due to their ability to absorb flavours and sauces. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  1. Under-Cook Slightly: If you’re planning a stir-fry, undercook the noodles slightly during the soaking process. They’ll absorb all the moisture while soaking and use that moisture to cook completely in the wok.
  2. Get the perfect noodle: Stir-fries are cooked quickly over high heat. If you feel that your noodles are still undercooked after mixing well, just sprinkle some water and let it steam. You will get a Stir-fry delight super quick!

For Soups, Rice noodles are also a fantastic addition to soups, providing a satisfying texture and absorbing the broth’s flavours. Here’s how to use them in soups:

  1. Cook almost completely: For soup dishes, soak the noodles in hot water for 1 - 2 minutes more than what is mentioned above. It is better to have the noodles cook almost completely before adding them to the soups.
  2. Important: It is best to cook the noodles separately and add them to individual bowls before pouring the hot soup over the top. This method ensures the noodles maintain their texture. Do not boil rice noodles with the soup.

For Salads,

Rice noodles are a refreshing addition to salads, providing a light and chewy texture that complements fresh vegetables and tangy dressings.

  1. Cook Completely: After soaking till cooked, rinse the noodles under cold water until they’re completely cool. This step prevents them from sticking too much to the salad ingredients.
  2. Toss Gently: Combine the noodles with other salad ingredients gently to avoid breaking them. Dress the salad just before serving to keep the noodles from becoming soggy.

With these helpful tips in mind, you're all set to cook perfect rice noodles every time. So go ahead, indulge in the world of rice noodles, and create your own mouth watering masterpieces! Happy cooking!

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